Dinorpg Wiki

"Napalm Shrimp"? Oh! That brings back sweet memories, what a delicious dish! You'll have to bring me specific ingredients so that I can properly prepare it.
Completed The Annoying Tourists, Skully Souvenir Skully Souvenir, Buoy Buoy, Climbing Gear Climbing Gear
This quest requires a minimum of 42 steps.
Assigned By

How to complete this quest

  1. Speak with Skully
  2. Go to the Underwater Dome and speak with Shrimps Merchant
  3. Use 3 Treasury Notes and speak with Shrimps Merchant
  4. Go to the Twilight Cemetary and speak with Skully
  5. Go to Lavapit and speak with Soft Shaman
  6. Use 5 Rescue Flamelets and speak with Soft Shaman
  7. Go to the Twilight Cemetary and speak with Skully
  8. Go to Venerable's Lair and search for a Korgon
  9. Go to the Twilight Cemetary and speak with Skully
  10. Validate the mission



Minimum steps 42 if you already have the treasury notes.
